Embodied Wisdom

Embodied African Wisdom

The wisdom of indigenous communities relates to their knowledge of the past and their commitment to the family line that is rooted in the present and the natural order of things.  Hierarchy in families is respected and acknowledged and everyone knows and takes their rightful place in the family so that there is a strong sense of identity and belonging. As an ancestral process, constellations and healing ritual can honour and acknowledge the sacred, the healer, the visionary and the artistic in us. An Ancestral Constellation is an oracle and storying process that takes us back to lost ancestral traditions and unknown cosmologies.

Of African Heritage

In my experience of running workshops with people of African heritage, there is an immediate and deep understanding of the method. The heartbeat of these traditions still resides in communities of African heritage in the Western diaspora.  And we can benefit from and harness some of those lost traditions through the Ancestral Constellations method.   Constellation as Healing Ritual and a ‘Rite of passage’ When I began exploring the family constellations method, I immediately looked to that part of the process that most spoke to me. 

Embodied Ritual

This was the embedded African ritual aspects of the process and I increasingly wanted to explore this aspect more.  I knew that I recognised a familiarity within the method, but I wasn’t quite sure what or why. I am interested in the idea of constellations as a ‘Rite of passage’, by that I mean, the transition that occurs during a healing session, whether resolved or not as a movement of energetic shift and change and is a form of ‘sacred space’. For me ‘sacred space’ just means creating a context for ritual work to take place. 

The Altar

Beside me with ‘elder’ dollies represents the ancestors, a glass of water and incense is just a way of recognising that there is something spiritual/transpersonal taking place.  It is not elaborate, it does not have to be named, although people always ask and generally seem to like the altar, it there beside us as we do the work. Resonating Deep in the Bones When I work with people from African and Asian backgrounds, it is as though within a constellation they are seeing something that resonates deep in the bones, a sense of RE-Membering. 

Adapting therapeutic practice

Adapting Ancestral Constellation for African heritage people is a process of seeing through a multi-coloured lens. One that explores family and community dynamics in a way that is relevant to Caribbean diaspora/black/African heritage families and communities. As I started working with the constellations method, I became much clearer about how the inclusion of ritual and family orders spoke to an African heritage experience.   And I saw the relevance of the embedded African indigenous wisdom in working with black transgenerational lives.

The Ancestral Constellations approach is in my view particularly appropriate for people of African heritage because of three key features that I emphasise in my practice: Acknowledgement and inclusion of Ancestors within the creation of sacred space  Exploration of ritual as a form of family and community healing of trauma Foregrounding the indigenous African wisdom that is embedded in the method  

Sonya Welch-Moring

Sonya WM Sonya Welch-Moring

Transgenerational Practice for Diaspora Communities of Colour


Events: Workshops

Mixed emotions When you leave a Diaspora transgenerational workshop, you may have a mix of emotions. In part there may be a warm fuzzy feeling, you know, that sense of having seen or done something that is important to you. Or you may be feeling eager to get back home...

In Spirit and Soul

In Spirit and Soul A family constellation is a way of looking at a family or community system within and across generations. Family constellations help people to think about how to create individual change for themselves and the process also influences and sometimes...

Systemic Reflection

My Systemic Background At the same time I was beginning my journey into family constellations.  I had heard about constellations as I had completed a PG Dip in Systemic Management in 2000.  Systemic theory looks at relationships in families and networks.  This way of...

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