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Integrate the Ancestral into your Practice
RE-connect your family line with Ancestral Constellations. A path that supports transgenerational healing from an indigenous and African perspective. A process integrating ancestral concepts into therapeutic, counselling and holistic practices. And a decolonising approach to fill gaps in Eurocentric learning, courses and trainings. This is a journey into ‘other ways of knowing’, to honour your ancestors and life path.
Re-Connecting the Ancestral Line
Ancestral Constellations explore Transgenerational Lives of Colour. They are a therapeutic healing ritual that honour those who have gone before us. And a process and approach to Diaspora family life that can help you to explore a range of personal and life issues.
‘Mapping a Constellation’ allows you to view a difficult situation from multiple perspectives. And offer alternative ways to resolve conflict or find solutions to family relationships and community conflicts, It is a process that can be used for both life and professional contexts.

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Your Aunt Jennifer, hasn’t spoke to her brother Thomas for over 10 years. And you want to know more about Great grandfather Henry who nobody talks about. Meanwhile your mother says that your daughter looks exactly like her mother who you never met. But nobody in the family has a good word to say about her. Sound familiar? Welcome to Transgenerational Diaspora Lives and the healing power of Ancestral Constellations!

Sonya Welch-Moring - Facilitator & Ancestral Guide
Welcome to Ancestral constellations, a therapeutic generational mapping process that can be done in a workshop with human representatives for family members, or online with a range of creative tools, dollies, floor felts, stones and shells. Tell me your problem and I will help you to map it out and get clear about your issue!!
Most families have difficult relationship dynamics, often carried down the line over generations. Transgenerational healing begins when you are prepared to look at what went on in the past and see what has been passed down to your family today.
Diaspora family life is varied and often full of ancestral legacies, the kind that don’t go away by themselves. I help you to explore what needs healing and how you can start to resolve issues. I work with you and you work on your family, simple as that!
This is a model that supports your personal learning and your professional practice. It addresses the gap in counselling and therapy knowledge about ancestral, African and indigenous worldviews on healing. And it is created by and for people of colour.
Schedule a Personal Consultation or family Witness Pod to explore your transgenerational ancestral generational line.
1:1 Constellation Session (1 hours)
This 60 minute Online Consultation is to explore your ancestral line and reveal generational patterns. There will be guidance and follow up photos of your session.
1:1 Constellation Session (1 1/2 hours)
This 90 minute Online Consultation is to explore your ancestral line and reveal generational patterns. There will be guidance and follow up photos of your session.

diaspora workshops
These four 1-day workshops will run between Autumn 24 to Summer 25 and will support and strengthen Diaspora Transgenerational Lives. Each workshop will explore a different topic, your maternal line, your paternal line, siblings and Grandparents. Find out more and book your place now.
This 2-day course is an introduction to the Foundation Training in Systemic Constellations & Transgenerational Healing hosted by BAATN (Black African, Caribbean and Asian Therapy Network). A weekend of professional learning exploring personal, family and community constellations, integrating indigenous and ancestral traditions found within Ancestral Constellations process. The next Essentials course takes place on 15-16 March 2025

foundation training
The next 6 month Ancestral Constellations Foundation Training in Systemic Constellations and Transgenerational Healing will run from April – October 2025. This modular programme is hosted by BAATN (Black African Asian Therapy Network). Applications are open now!